Williams Homestead Ranch...WHR...nestled in the "Piney Woods" of East Texas, is a small operation for breeding and raising Quality Registered Black Brangus Cattle and ABCA Border Collie Puppies out of working stock. It is owned and managed by Don and Sue Williams with Sam's help. The ranch was moved from Brownsville, Texas when we retired in 2000. The idea was to be able to enjoy the East Texas pine trees, have a place to ride the horses, and enough grass to grow our own hay. We had no idea how busy we were going to be just keeping things up. We moved 19 horses and about 12 Border Collies. Just keeping the place in order, caring for and feeding the animals is enough to do!
We had bred and raised Registered Quarter Horses and Paso Finos for more than 27 years and Border Collies for over 40+ years; however, when the ranch was moved to East Texas and we started raising Registered Brangus cattle, we realized that something had to give. So.....we decide to get out of the horse business and just raise Registered Black Brangus Cattle and Border Collie Puppies.
Since we are a small ranch, our focus is on breeding quality. Therefore, each animal is very important and has a reason for being on our ranch. We maintain a strict routine for feeding and health care.
In 2012 we embarked on a multi-season calf crop running 2 separate herds with 2 different bulls. Our idea in 2019 was to cut back to just one herd. However, we have not been able to cut back to just 1 herd yet and Mr T has been injured. In order to keep the cows on a even keel, we purchased a new bull (Watchman)to put in with Mr. T's herd. It will take some time to get to 1 herd, but we will get there.
2020 has been a year of changes for everyone. We lost Mr. T and decided to sell Sundance's Ditka (Square) and use WHR T's Challenger 675F (the last offspring from Mr T) to take over Mr. T's herd and moved Watchman to Square's herd.
Here we are again in 2023...we still have 2 herds and are trying to cut back.
In the Border Collie department: We kept a Black Tricolor male out of Tootsie and CC (Sam) in 2015 and purchased a female (Dill) out of a a champion sheep herding male and bred her to Sam. In 2019, Dill was bred and then was bitten by a snake. She lost the puppies and the snake bite introduced so much bacteria into her system that we almost lost her and she had to be spayed. We located one of her female offspring out of Sam that we bred to Pirate and now have a female (Bella) out of that cross to carry on the bloodlines. Dill is now a house dog. We also purchased a male (Red) out of working stock that we are using for breeding. In August of 2021 we purchased a female pup out of Bandit and Red. This is Ellie, a B/W female pictured on the Border Collie page. On September 21, 2022 we received our new male puppy...great grandson to our Tootsie. There were 2 males in the litter and we picked the Sable Blue Merle. His name is Mac (short for MacLeod). We will be breeding Bella to Mac this Fall. Ellie was bred to Sam and had 5 female puppies on June 18. See pictures on the puppy page.
In the "HOG" department they caught 103 hogs on our property in 2023 and all within a month! There are still about 8 large ones out there, but they have only been caught on camera.