Our web site received an award in late 2011 from Pup City for excellence in content, good design, and good Search Engine Optimazation. We are working to win that again.

We maintain only 2 to 3 breeding females at any given time. Our goals determine our breeding choices. Our first priority is to have healthy puppies and second to that is work ability with disposition being just as important. Color is fourth in our list of priorities. Once breeding decisions are made, the rest is left to nature with some help from us.

HEALTH PROTOCOLS: When the puppies are 2 weeks old, we start our worming schedule. At 5 1/2 to 6 weeks, they get their first vaccination and are taken in for their Vet Check. They are handled daily and when they are able to move around, they are taken outside daily to get used to being in the grass and have room to run and develop their bodies. They have a doggie door that they quickly learn to use and by the time they are about 5 weeks they are all going outside to potty. They go to their new homes at 7-8 weeks. When all puppies in a litter are sold, the papers are sent in to ABCA for registration.

DEPOSITS: For a puppy to be held until it's old enough to leave, a non refundable deposit of $100 is required. The balance is due when you pick up your puppy. When you put a deposit on a puppy, pictures will be sent to you on a weekly basis so that you can monitor their development. I have a PayPal or Venmo account set up below for Deposits on a puppy or you can download the Venmo app and search for: @williamshomesteadranch and it will come up Brenda Williams.


SHIPPING: We do ship puppies via Airlines. However, they have to be 8 weeks of age to be shipped. Shipping is extra and generally is $350, depending of the airline ticket price. In the last 2-3 years, we have also used a couple of individuals for shipping VIA GROUND on her/his schedule. Price of air fare is generally $300-$350.

Molly's and Mindy's pups hiding
While Tootsie was out getting her exercise, I let some of Molly's and Mindy's puppies out to play. When Tootsie made her circle around the pens and across the porch, she saw the pups and wanted to check them out. However, when they saw Tootsie coming, they ran and hid under the deck. I couldn't resist the picture...it was too funny!

Doc was a Ghost Sable (a rare coloring). This coloring is sometimes called a "Seal" color. Here is a link that you can access for viewing what a pup with this coloring will probably look like.

We have a new male puppy that arrived on the 9/21/22. He is a Sable Blue Merle and will be capable of producing Reds, B/W, Tri's, Sables, or merles. Here is a picture of him. His name is Mac.

Bella is in heat and will be bred to Mac. Ellie has been bred to Sam and should have her puppies about June 20th.

Bella is in heat and will be bred to Mac...hopefully in the next 4 days. She should have her puppies about the end of June.

ABCA female Border Collie out of working stock ABCA sable merle male Border Collie out of working stock

ABCA B/W female Border Collie out of working stockABCA Black Tri male border Collie ouot of working stock