WHR Border Collies
WHR has been breeding Border Collies and selling puppies for over 20 years.
All of our dogs are ABCA registered Border Collies and out of "Working Stock".
We are fortunate to have been able to maintain our bloodline from Maybell and Okee. We have found that pups from that line are very smart, healthy, and capable of excelling in areas of work or herding, agility, therapy dogs, frisbee, companions, or great family pets. We breed for quality, not quantity. We maintain no more than 3 breeding females. Presently, we have only 2 breeding females.
All of our dogs and puppies are kept up to date on vaccinations and deworming. They are handled daily and are fed twice a day. We strive to produce a dog that will excel in intelligence, disposition, and ability to work. With this as our goal, then everything else falls into place and the results are high quality puppies that would fit anyone's need.
When Tootsie had her first litter of puppies there were some rare colorings of sable in the litter. I am adding a link to The Happy Puppy site so that you can read this information.
In 2014 we purchased Daisy, a female out of CC and Dixie (a female out of our Mistee and Gremlin 14 years ago). We bred her to Pirate and she had her first litter in April 2015 with more litters over the next 7 years. Daisy is now 9 years and was spayed in 2022.
Since Molly has been spayed, we purchased Dill to fill that spot. She is on the petite side like our Maybell was. She is a black tricolor and is out of Zac (Sheep Herding Champion). Here is a video of Zac in the finals of the 2014 Sheep Herding Trials. Regretably, we had to spay her February of 2020 when she was bred and was bitten by a snake which introduced bacteria into her system and caused pyometra. However, we managed to locate one of her and Sam's female offspring and bred her to Pirate. The result was a female (Bella) who is a powerhouse. Bella has now had her first litter of puppies out of Red. Red was purchased for his bloodlines working cattle.
Tootsie is a Seal with unrelated bloodlines. She was bred to CC and had 10 puppies in her first litter on January 3rd of 2011 with several of those being Ghost Sable or Seal colored because CC was the sire of that litter. We had Tootsie spayed at age 8. She produced some of the best dispositioned and colored puppies of any of our Border Collies. Sam is out of Tootsie and CC. He has also produced some awesome puppies.
We lost CC in January 2016 due to cancer. He was an awesome Border Collie and is much missed.
Our newest purchase is MacLeod, a Sable Blue Merle out of one of Tootsie's granddaughters. We call him Mac and he will be bred to Bella about April/May.
Without further adieu........ here are pictures of our current breeding stock: