WHR Black Brangus Bulls for Sale

Registered Brangus Bull WHR GEronimo's Transformer 661WAll of our bulls and calves are registered Black Brangus. We are currently runing 2 bulls with 2 different herds. We have a young 4year old bull and he is out of McMullen's Geronimo Hotline. Even as a virgin bull, his Birth Weight EPD is Top 25%. He is a very promising young bull with excellent bloodlines and a good disposition.This Geronimo grandson is pictured on the left (we call him Mr."T").


Mr Brinks Sundance has a Birth Weight EPD of Top 5%. He has a Registered BRangus Bull Mr Brinks Sundance 94Sgentle disposition and has, so far, passed that on to his offspring. We sold him this year to another ranch.

The son of Mr. Brinks Sundance, WHR Sundance's Ditka 30A, has been turned in with his father's herd. His first calf was a bull calf born in August 2015.Registered Brangus Bull

Below are pictures of our bull calves:The first, third, and fifth are pictures of bull calves out of WHR Geronimo's Transformer 661W. The second, fourth, and sixth are out of WHR Sundance's Ditka 30A with Mr. Brinks Sundance as a grandfather.

Registered Brangus bullRegistered Brangus bullRegistered Brangus bullRegistered Brangus bullRegistered Brangus bull

Registered Brangus bull

